Terms and conditions for teachers

These are the T&Cs for teacher users.

On this page and in various sections of the website, teacherhorizons.com (“Teacher Horizons website” or “the website”), are set out the terms and conditions (“Terms”) on which you may access and make use of our website. These Terms constitute a binding legal agreement between you, as a user (whether or not you are a Registered User, as defined below), and Teacher Horizons Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 7544936 (“Teacher Horizons” or “us”).

Please read these Terms carefully before you start to use the Teacher Horizons website. By using the Teacher Horizons website, you indicate that you accept these Terms and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from using the Teacher Horizons website.  You warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into and be bound by these Terms and that by using the Teacher Horizons website you will not be violating any law or regulation of the country in which you are resident. You are solely responsible for your compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations.


1. Teachers applying for vacancies on Teacher Horizons must follow the application instructions outlined in that specific job vacancy. Failure to do this may result in termination of membership.

2.  Teachers who are in communication with schools for vacancies they found on Teacher Horizons, should carbon copy (cc) Teacher Horizons into all communication with schools. They can either copy in the International Adviser they have been working with or candidate@teacherhorizons.com

3. Teachers registered on Teacher Horizons agree that they will notify Teacher Horizons of any contract that they sign with a school, regardless of whether they have secured the position through Teacher Horizons or not.

4. As soon as a teacher has signed a contract with any school, they are responsible for updating their profile on Teacher Horizons to ‘red’ so they no longer appear in school’s candidate searches.

5. Teachers whose profiles are set to ‘green’ recognise that their profiles are visible to school recruiters. These may include recruiters from the school a teacher is currently employed by. School recruiters may access any ‘green’ teacher’s profile information (including their CVs, supporting documents and references). It is a teacher’s responsibility to switch their profile to ‘yellow’ or ‘red’ if they do not wish for their profile to be visible. Teacher Horizons will not be held responsible for issues arising around candidate profile settings and will switch a candidate’s profile to ‘red’ if a candidate is inactive on Teacher Horizons website for more than two months.

6. By working with Teacher Horizons, teachers agree to the following terms and conditions in relation to honouring a verbal or written agreement with a school:

(i) Should a teacher receive an employment offer (verbally or in writing, whether in hard copy or by electronic means) through any of Teacher Horizons services and accept the offer, then the acceptance is binding and subject to the employment agreement between the teacher and the relevant school.

(ii) Should a teacher renege on the agreement, they agree to pay Teacher Horizons a penalty fee of $1,000 USD for a teacher or $2,000 USD for a leadership position.

Note: At Teacher Horizons, we understand that sometimes situations beyond a candidate’s control may arise which compel a candidate to have to withdraw from a verbal or written agreement, through no fault of their own. Should this be the case, the penalty fee may be waived, on the condition that adequate evidence to support the rationale for withdrawal can be provided. Any such waiver is at Teacher Horizons’ discretion.

(iii) Should the teacher renege on the verbal or written agreement prior to arriving at the school or within twelve weeks of starting at the school, full payment for the fee mentioned above will be made directly to Teacher Horizons upon receiving an invoice. The fee will cover, in part, the work that the Teacher Horizons team has put into supporting the teacher as a candidate, as well as compensating to some extent for the negative impact on the company’s reputation.

(iv) Should the teacher leave the school before completing the contract, the teacher may also be liable for the costs of finding a replacement teacher. This depends on the contract the teacher has with the school. 

(v) Teachers agree to contact their Adviser at Teacher Horizons (or info@teacherhorizons.com) to discuss any issues that may arise, and seek support, before reneging on an agreement. If they do not contact their Adviser in advance in this way, they accept that they will be required to pay the full penalty fee mentioned above.

(vi) Teachers understand that reneging on an agreement may result in Teacher Horizons choosing not to represent them or support them in future. Teacher Horizons reserves the right to delete a teacher’s profile page and remove access to the website. 

(vii) Should a teacher not pay the penalty fee within 30 days of receiving the invoice from Teacher Horizons, they understand that they will be responsible for all costs related to Teacher Horizons taking further action to collect payment, including but not limited to possible legal action.

7. Teachers using Teacher Horizons must never have been known to any Children’s Services department or Police as being a risk or potential risk to children. Equally, they should never have been the subject of any disciplinary investigation and/or sanction by any organisation in relation to concerns about their behaviour towards children.


Teacher Horizons is an online collaborative website, that is, a voluntary association of schools and individual teachers working to develop a common database of information on international schools and teachers interested in working in international schools.

The structure of the Teacher Horizons website allows anyone with an internet connection who registers as a “Registered User” to alter the content of their school or teacher profile page. Please be advised that whilst we have endeavoured to provide accurate and up-to-date information, nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by people with the expertise required to provide you with complete, accurate or reliable information.

Teacher Horizons cannot guarantee the validity of the information found on the website. The content may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in the relevant fields.

We will endeavour to keep the information on the Teacher Horizons website as accurate and up-to-date as possible. If you find any information that you know is not accurate, please contact us on  info@teacherhorizons.com immediately and we will correct it.

As some of the content on Teacher Horizons website is user-generated, neither Teacher Horizons nor any of the contributors, administrators, or anyone else connected with Teacher Horizons in any way is responsible for such information, including the appearance of any inaccurate or libellous information or for your use of the information contained in or linked from the website.

The administrators reserve the right to block any user from using the site for any reason, such as if the user is suspected or found to be sharing inaccurate or unreliable information. Teacher Horizons is not responsible should someone change, edit, modify or remove any information that you may post on the Teacher Horizons website or any of its associated projects.


Any of the trademarks or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited on the Teacher Horizons website are the property of their respective owners. Teacher Horizons cannot grant any rights to use any otherwise protected materials. Your use of any such or similar incorporeal property is at your own risk.

Personality rights

The Teacher Horizons website contains material which may portray an identifiable person who is alive or deceased recently. Before using these types of content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else’s personality rights.

Jurisdiction and legality of content

Publication of information found on the Teacher Horizons website may be in violation of the laws of the country or jurisdiction from where you are viewing this information. Laws in your country or jurisdiction may not protect or allow the same kinds of speech or distribution. Teacher Horizons does not encourage the violation of any laws; and cannot be responsible for any violations of such laws, should you link to this domain or use, reproduce, or republish the information contained herein.

Further details on our Terms

1. Preliminary

You agree to be subject to these Terms whenever you access the Teacher Horizons website. In addition, by checking the box next to the “I have read the Terms of Registered Users and agree with the content” text on the “Create your free teacher profile” page or the “sign in” page and clicking the ‘Create profile’ button, you (the “Registered User”) accept and agree to the additional teacher terms and conditions (found below) for teacher users or the Terms and conditions for school users and competition rules (found below), as the case may be, and which, for the avoidance of doubt, form part of the Terms. Every time you sign in to access this service you confirm your agreement with the Terms.

You agree to guarantee and hold Teacher Horizons harmless from any loss, claim or damage, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from your use of the website. This includes any violation of the Terms or any action arising from the content that you publish on the website that infringes the intellectual property rights (which include without limitation copyright, trade secrets, trademark or patent) of any third party or content or communication that denigrates, libels or invades the privacy of any third party.

2. Account and password details

The Registered User is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Registered Username and password.

3. Content

3.1 You alone are responsible for any content or information you enter on your profile page and any communication with other Registered Users. Teacher Horizons is not the publisher and only provides the channel for Registered Users to publish and/or distribute their personal information.

3.2 Teacher Horizons does not verify the accuracy or truth of any information published by Registered Users. No responsibility is assumed by Teacher Horizons for the publication of any Registered User’s information, including pictures published by Registered Users.

3.3 Please use your common sense when picking the content that you choose to post on or send via Teacher Horizons because you are solely responsible for, and bear all liability in relation to, such content. You may not publish offensive content, this includes content that contains offensive language, sexually explicit content (including photographs), is unlawful or libellous. Furthermore, you may not publish content that encourages behaviour that may constitute a criminal offence, result in civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation. For example, you may not post or send any content to the Teacher Horizons website which:

  • is obscene, pornographic or otherwise may offend human dignity;
  • is abusive, insulting or threatening, or which promotes or encourages racism, sexism, hatred or bigotry;
  • incorporates the image or likeness of any individual under 18 years of age;
  • encourages any illegal activity including, without limitation, terrorism, inciting racial hatred or the submission of which in itself constitutes committing a criminal offence;
  • is defamatory;
  • relates to commercial activities (including, without limitation, sales, competitions and advertising, links to other websites or premium line telephone numbers);
  • involves the transmission of “junk” mail or “spam”;
  • contains any spy ware, adware, viruses, corrupt files, worm programmes or other malicious code designed to interrupt, damage or limit the functionality of or disrupt any software, hardware, telecommunications, networks, servers or other equipment, Trojan horse or any other material designed to damage, interfere with, wrongly intercept or expropriate any data or personal information whether from Teacher Horizons or otherwise; or
  • itself, or the posting of which, infringes any third party’s rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights and privacy rights).

3.4 Please note though that by posting or sending content on the website you represent and warrant to us that you have the right to do so, and automatically grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, worldwide licence to use such content in any way (including, without limitation, editing, copying, modifying, adapting, translating, reformatting, creating derivative works from, incorporating into other works, advertising, distributing and otherwise making available to the general public such content, whether in whole or in part and in any format or medium currently known or developed in the future). We may assign and/or sub-licence the above licence to our affiliates and successors without any further approval by you. By submitting content to the website you are warranting that you are the exclusive author and owner of that content and you agree that you waive any and all moral rights relating to that content (including, without limitation, the right to be identified as the author). We have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any content posted or uploaded by you to our website constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights or of their right to privacy or any other law.

3.5 Whilst Teacher Horizons reserves the right to delete or remove content deemed offensive by Teacher Horizons, Teacher Horizons does not guarantee that offensive material will be removed or deleted. Failure by Teacher Horizons to remove or delete offensive content does not waive our right to remove or delete offensive content in subsequent or similar cases.

3.6 You may not publish content that contains advertising or commercial messages. You may not send messages of a commercial nature to other Registered Users via the site.

3.7 Teacher Horizons reserves the right to refuse to accept, post, display or transmit any user content in its sole discretion.

3.8 You may not impersonate any other person or entity.

3.9 You may not solicit other Registered Users’ contact details.

3.10 By creating a profile you grant Teacher Horizons permission to publish your profile (including picture) on www.teacherhorizons.com

3.11 Your picture and extracts from your profile may be used as a ‘featured profile’ for marketing purposes (on the homepage of www.teacherhorizons.com or in our brochures or other marketing materials)

3.12 Teacher Horizons reserves the right to be able to use screenshots or similar images of pages featured throughout the Teacher Horizons service, including the Registered User screen name and photo(s) and use these for general promotional purposes, for example, but not limited to, a corporate brochure, Registered User communications. By creating a profile you grant Teacher Horizons permission to publish your profile in such a fashion.

4. Copyrighted material

You may not post material belonging to a third party on the site without permission from them. This includes but is not limited to photographs, images and text. Should you believe that material belonging to a third party has been posted on the site you are requested to contact Teacher Horizons with full details of the alleged copyright infringement including the Registered User username and your contact details.

5. Interaction with other Registered Users

You alone are responsible for ensuring that your interaction with other Registered Users is lawful.

If you encounter information you know is incorrect, please inform the Teacher Horizons team – info@teacherhorizons.com. All such issues are treated in confidence, and will be resolved by a senior Registered User of our team as quickly as possible. If deemed appropriate at the sole discretion of Teacher Horizons, we may warn, suspend or delete a Registered User’s profile.

6. Registered User communications

Teacher Horizons does not review or censor other message content, but it reserves the right to remove contact details, or any content deemed to cause offence from both school and teacher profile pages.
7. Content storage

Teacher Horizons assumes no responsibility for the deletion of or failure to store your content, including profile details and photographs. We therefore strongly recommend that you keep a copy of anything that you upload to the Teacher Horizons website.

8. Registered Users, subscriptions and cancellations

8.1 In order to register on the Teacher Horizons website you must be either a qualified teacher or a recruiter for an international school.

8.2 You may register your profile for free and will have access to most of our services. Subscription is entirely voluntary and you may remain a free Registered User as long as you wish. There are no subscription charges for teachers.

8.3 Teacher Horizons may introduce subscription pricing, options, renewal terms or Registered User services at any time. The Registered User may cancel their subscription at any time. School subscription fees are not transferable from one Registered User profile to another.

8.4 Teacher Horizons may suspend or terminate the subscription of any Registered User who violates these terms.

8.5 Teacher Horizons reserves the right not to accept or to suspend or remove from the site all or part of any profile or any other Registered user content for any reason.

8.6 Teacher Horizons reserves the right to remove any job posting or content from the Teacher Horizons website, which in the reasonable exercise of Teacher Horizons’ discretion, does not comply with the Terms, or if any content is posted that Teacher Horizons believes is not in the best interest of Teacher Horizons.

8.7 Registered teacher users and school users must not publish on your profile (including CV) any personal contact information, including your address, email address, telephone number, Skype, instant messaging contact details or website URL in areas other than the requested fields. In addition, you must not include your personal contact information in messages to members who have not previously contacted you. Teacher Horizons reserves the right to remove contact details from messages you send on the Teacher Horizons website.

9. Modifications to Terms

Teacher Horizons may modify these Terms from time to time in its sole discretion and/or to take account of new legislation, statutory instruments, Government Regulations, Licences, similar matters and for any other reason. Any such variation shall be published on the website.

10. Legal venue

This agreement will be governed by the laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

11. Rights of third parties

A person who is not a party to this agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of this agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.

12. Severability

If any provision of these Terms is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions will continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way.

13. Additional limitation of liability provisions

13.1 Teacher Horizons act as, among other things, a platform for (i) school employers to post job opportunities and search for and evaluate candidates and (ii) candidates to post CVs and profiles and search for and evaluate job opportunities. Teacher Horizons is not responsible for screening or censoring all of the listings, including profiles offered.

13.2 Teacher Horizons is not involved in the actual transaction between employers and candidates. As a result, Teacher Horizons is not responsible for user content, the quality, safety or legality of the jobs or CVs posted, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of employers to offer job opportunities to candidates or the ability of candidates to fill job openings and Teacher Horizons makes no representations about any jobs, CVs or user content on the Teacher Horizons website. While Teacher Horizons reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove user content, job postings, CVs or other material from the Teacher Horizons website from time to time, Teacher Horizons does not assume any obligation to do so and to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for failing to take any such action.



1. Entry is open to activated Teacher Horizons teachers aged 21 or over.

2. Individual Terms apply to all competitions and these will be detailed by each competition.

3. Teacher Horizons’ registered teachers may be entered into competitions automatically by Teacher Horizons by agreeing to the Terms unless they notify Teacher Horizons Ltd by emailing info@teacherhorizons.com.

4. Prizes will alter according to the specific completion.

5. The winner will be drawn in accordance with the rules of the competition by an impartial TH team member.

6. Winners will be notified of their prize within 30 days of our decision and details of winners will be announced on TH social media following the competition deadline.

7. Prizes will be forwarded to winners within 60 days.

8. The TH team member who draws the winner, their decision is final.

9. Teacher Horizons reserves the right to substitute any prizes with a prize of equivalent or higher value in the event of circumstances arising outside the control of Teacher Horizons.

10. Teacher Horizons will not be responsible for postal service losses although they will keep a record of postage proof.

11. By entering candidates agree that in the circumstances that they win, they will send Teacher Horizons a photo of them that can be used to announce the winner on social media.

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We're the world's leading community of international teachers. More than just a job search, Teacher Horizons is your online home, wherever your journey takes you.