In this blog piece Teacher Horizons Director, John Regan, provides extensive amount of information concerning job references. You may well find all answers to your questions in this informative piece but of course, if we omitted anything – feel free to get in touch with us and ask the team directly. Who do I choose… Read more »
Posts by John Regan

Visiting potential partner schools and meeting with Heads face-to-face is a crucial element of how Teacher Horizons operates.
Planning these visits tends to go something along the lines of “…where should we go next? Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Cape Town, Hanoi, Sri Lanka, Madrid, Amsterdam?”
Read more »The old adage ‘patience is a virtue’ should have been coined for the process of getting a placement in a good international school! So many prospective candidates, having completed an individual profile, expect to achieve a position within a very short space of time.
Some even believe that they will be offered a position at the first role that appeals to them! Well, this occasionally happens with a superstar teacher, but for the rest of us mere mortals it’s a far more fraught and time-consuming affair.
Read more »To paraphrase Miss Jean Brodie, it is a teacher’s duty to lead their students out of the darkness of ignorance. This implies that leadership is a major quality of a great teacher. If we are educating the leaders of the future, not only should we be role models as leaders, but we ought to develop our students’ leadership skills and attributes in our teaching.
Read more »The first impressions are most important, as 80% of the final outcome are made (on both sides!) within 5 minutes of the start. It is taken as read that the interviewer has spent as much time in preparing and research as the interviewee. Both sides are evaluating whether their preconceptions are valid. The interviewer is… Read more »
How can you get the best chance of success with your international school job application?
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